Triumphal Arch of Tiberius (c.14-37 AD)

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The most important feature in Roman architecture is the use of arches. It is very difficult to construct arches out of separate wedge-formed stones, but once they mastered this, an architect can use this for bold designs.

This picture shows the Triumphal arc of Tiberius, in southern France. The Romans set up several of these triumphal arches all over their empire in Italy, France, North Africa, and Asia.

There are many decorative carvings all over the arch. On the north and south sides of the arch, there seem to be Celtic weapons portrayed. On the east and west sides, celtic weapons are represented in chains. Throughout the entire arch, there are many naval wrecks and marine monsters, representing the mastery over the maritime world that the victory at Actium gave to Rome. Lastly, portrayed on the upper part of the arch, there are knights and foot soldiers, locked in confrontation.

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Works cited: “Triumphal Arch of Orange (France).” Triumphal Arch of Orange (France). N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2015.

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